Teaching for post FRCA trainees Friday 30th April: short notice

Post-Fellowship Education Programme Course Info
30th April 2021 at 13:30
Duration – Afternoon

Last minute teaching invite to the Barts session on Medico-legal aspects of medicine via MS Teams.

The session is being recorded and will be made available to all via a link in due course.

If you are off on Friday and would like to attend, details are below. Otherwise, you should be able to book a half day of study leave at a time once the material is available to us.

Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

13:30 Registration

13:45 Expert witness role and approach, Dr Paul Howell

14:30 Coroners and Inquests, Legal department Barts Hospital

15:15 Break

15:45 Reports, statements and evidence, Dr Katie Grant MPS

16:30 Close


via Microsoft teams
MS teams link

MS teams

MS teams

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