Attendance at this course is Mandatory

The Post FRCA Education Program provides broad and high-quality continuous learning to senior anaesthetic trainees. It is run across all three of the North London Schools of Anaesthesia (North Central, Barts and the London and Imperial).
The rolling program aims to deliver accessible high quality teaching covering key aspects of clinical anaesthesia and exposure to up-to-date information and knowledge. Non-clinical topics equip senior trainees with additional tools to help with preparation for consultant life and future roles.
The format is mainly interactive lectures (questions and discussion encouraged) with workshops and practical sessions for certain topics (eg. regional anaesthesia, airway).
Topics are rarely repeated within a 3 year period to maximise variety and benefits for the audience.
These study days provide a fantastic forum for networking and maintaining relationships amongst trainees and schools, and catching up with news.
The organisers welcome any ideas or novel topic requests.
How is it organised?
Th programme is run as a series of full-day themed study days, run on the last Friday of the month (excluding July, August and December).
There are 9 study days per year.
The post FRCA education program is free and open to all post fellowship trainees across North Central, Bart’s and the London and Imperial Schools of Anaesthesia. It is mandatory to attend and should not require study leave application though it does contribute to study leave allowance. Rota co-ordinators should be informed, in order that departments can cover clinical commitments.
A reminder about the coming month’s study day is circulated by school secretaries in advance, with an Eventbrite link for registration. Trainees unable to attend should email to inform secretaries.
There is a sign-in sheet on the day, and attendance is logged and reviewed for purposes of ARCP. Trainees are expected to attend at least 6 study days per year. Certificates of attendance are emailed on completion of an electronic feedback form (via survey monkey).
The course rotates between three venues.
- The Peter Samuel Hall, Royal Free Hospital
- Education Academy, Dental Hospital (Basement), The Royal London Hospital, Turner Street, E1
- Imperial (various sites, TBC)
Ciara Donohue, (North Central School)
Omaima Glesa, (Bart’s and the London)
Ajoy Pandit, (Imperial School)