Attendance at this course is Mandatory

Welcome to the North Central School Introduction to Anaesthesia Course – The Novice Course.
This course is specifically designed to help you when starting your first training posts in Anaesthesia. It is one of the mandatory courses for all ‘Novices’ to Anaesthesia, including ACCS EM & ICM Trainees who are training in our departments (ANAES0025, ANAES0028).
The Programme
Delivered via a mix of lectures, practical sessions and small group case discussions, the programme covers the RCoA Initial Assessment of Competencies (IAC) as well as a few additional sessions which are deemed relevant and useful to this early stage of training. These competencies are also required to be signed off by all trainee groups, including EM & ICM.
We aim to get everyone to an equivalent baseline, giving you practical tips for starting your training in Anaesthesia, helping you feel more prepared clinically and highlighting topics for discussion during your daily clinical training.
Sessions are led by either Consultants or Senior Registrars and are intended to be interactive. Our wonderful faculty come to teach from the various hospitals within the school. This means that these days are also a great way of getting to know some of the team who will be involved in your teaching and training as well as your fellow CT1 colleagues.
During the simulation sessions, every trainee gets the chance to participate in an anaesthetic critical incident simulation.
Past feedback from the course says that they are great fun as well as very useful.
We run the course twice a year (August and February) as 4 face-to-face days usually over 4 weeks, and a simulation day 6-8 weeks later. Currently, we are running a hybrid version of the course with a combination of video-based lectures, small group sessions via Zoom and maybe face-to-face practical skills sessions (COVID permitting).
If you are a CT1 in our School then we will contact you about a month before the course with details, so that you can book. If you don’t hear from us by then, please get in touch with the course organisers. We will let the College Tutors know about dates in advance, but please let them (and rota coordinators) know you are attending.
As you are supernumerary in your first 3 months then you should be given time off to attend if you are on a ‘normal’ day. On the first day of the course we will give you the opportunity to choose from one of several dates for your simulation session.
We always require keen and enthusiastic faculty members to help deliver our sessions. If you are interested in joining our faculty, please e-mail us. We look forward to seeing you at the next course and welcoming you to the North Central School!