Attendance at this course is Mandatory

The Final FRCA teaching programme is aimed at those planning for the final FRCA, both the written or oral component, and is structured to cover the main topics required for this. It is run across both North Central and Bart’s and the London School of Anaesthesia. Venues will vary depending on the differing specialties – please keep an eye on the programme on the Meetings page.
We aim to help guide further exam revision by using a mixture of lecture based and interactive sessions. The study days are designed and led by Consultants in that subspecialty, with input from many other specialists in the area. The teaching schedule runs throughout the year, approximately once a month, and each study day is designed around the RCoA and exam curriculae, providing up-to-date information and recent advancements in that area.
The pre FRCA education program is free and open to all pre fellowship trainees across North Central and Bart’s and the London School of Anaesthesia. It is mandatory to attend and should not require study leave application though it does contribute to study leave allowance. Rota co-ordinators should be informed, so that departments can cover clinical commitments.
We will also send copies to College Tutors, and email reminders before each event. Trainees unable to attend should email us with the reason for non-attendance.
The programme is run as a series of full-day themed study days, run on a week day to suit organisers and not to clash with other courses or exams (excluding February, August, November and December).
There are 8 study days per year.
There is a sign-in sheet on the day, and attendance is logged and reviewed for purposes of ARCP. Trainees are expected to attend at least 6 study days per year. Certificates of attendance are emailed on completion of an electronic feedback form (via survey monkey).