Attendance at this course is Mandatory

Welcome to the NC school of Anaesthesia Core Training Programme!
This teaching is aimed at all Anaesthetic Trainees (Core & ACCS) – from Novice to post Primary exam level. Emergency Medicine (EM), Intensive Care Medicine (ICM) and Medical Training Initiative (MTI) Trainees in our departments are also very welcome to join.
The programme covers the RCoA CCT in Anaesthetics curriculum – Basic Level Training (Annex B). Sessions will be led by either Consultants or Senior Fellows but are designed to be interactive and fun as well as informative! The sessions will aim to cover a mixture of basic science theory, clinical applications and some exam questions, to cater for the diverse needs of trainees.
We are very fortunate to have a number of excellent trainers who come back every year to teach on this programme, including a number of FRCA examiners. Our faculty also includes suited experts from other specialties relevant to anaesthesia (e.g. radiology). We are very keen to get post-primary trainees to share their experiences through this teaching, so please get in touch if this is something you are interested in doing.
We also include an “Obstetrics Anaesthetic Simulation Training” day. This is a full day session which includes a mixture of lectures, hands on practice followed by sessions in the simulator. This allows Anaesthetic Trainees to learn how to manage both common and unusual obstetric scenarios, without risk to mother or baby, followed by discussion and debrief with experienced Obstetric Consultant Anaesthetists.
We run an annual “Miscellaneous” session on the last Tuesday in July, where we offer the opportunity to meet with trainers and the NC School TPDs. This session allows everyone to learn and discuss topics relevant to well-being, career development, medico-legal aspects, in a friendly and non-threatening environment. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the hard work and successes during the year. Breakfast will be provided!
The sessions take place on alternate Tuesday mornings (0900-1200). We will also post the programme on the NC school website and also send copies to College Tutors. We have also set up a ‘Whatsapp’ group to keep you informed of any changes. Feedback is collected at the end of each session. We closely liaise with the Core Trainee rep to continuously improve the programme.
Please sign up for the teaching via Synapse. Study Leave should automatically be granted by departments for trainees during their Anaesthetics rotations, as outlined here below:
Core Anaesthesia trainees
- During Anaesthetic rotations, they should attend teaching when possible (i.e when not on leave or nights or zero days).
- During ICM rotations, attend ICM teaching. If possible, and clinical service cover allows, they could request leave to attend anaesthetic teaching.
At any point, it might be that departments are unable to release trainees for teaching due to clinical need.
ACCS Anaesthetic trainees:
- When doing EM/AM go to the local EM/AM teaching. This is normally during CT1. There is no mandate to attend any anaesthesia teaching at this stage unless they happen to be free and wish to come.
- There are no mandatory courses or training days for Anaesthetic ACCS trainees other than attendance at the pan-London ACCS days which are encouraged rather than mandated.
- CT2 year onwards – essentially become Anaesthetic trainees (as above) with a slight bias towards ICM and should do all things mandatory for anaesthesia but should try to also go to the ACCS days as above.
ACCS EM & ICM trainees
- These trainees are invited to attend our Anaesthetic teaching but may have their own training days they wish to attend and therefore may prefer to spend this time in theatre concentrating on their clinical skills.
Feedback from previous years:
‘All the speakers were incredibly approachable’.
‘Thoughtful talk on how to look after yourself and your colleagues’.
‘Clear teaching style pitched by someone who has understood the level of understanding and experience of her audience’.
‘Relevance to clinical application consistent throughout the session’.
‘A unique opportunity to also talk to the TPD for core training’.
If you have any questions or feedback about the teaching then please get in touch with Dr Bindiya Varma and Dr Emilie Hoogenboom. We are always happy to hear your thoughts and add in new teaching sessions!