Who's Who in the School

The School is run by a central School Executive comprising representatives of the Royal College and HEE, together with key administrative and other staff.

A College Tutor in every hospital is responsible for educational matters within that hospital. In addition we have a series of Specialty Leads who take a wider view across the School at training within specific subspecialties of anaesthesia.

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School Executive

Richard Marks

School Executive
Website Author
Royal Free Hospital
Consultant Anaesthetist in London. Co-founder of Anaesthetists United. Formerly a Vice President and Council Member of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. I designed and developed this website. Its an old photo.

Former User
School Executive
Admin of the website
DO NOT DELETE THIS USER. All content/posts by users who are deleted are allocated to this User_ID

Teaching Faculty

College Tutors and Hospital Staff

Trainee Representatives

Specialty Leads